The name of Sasha Konietzko and Tim Skold’s new project suggests the exact opposite of KMFDM, but such is not the case. Basically, this is KMFDM stripped of the need to be KMFDM. If you liked the new wave/retro-industrial influence Tim Skold had on the last two KMFDM albums, you’re likely to enjoy MDFMK. Alterations to the KMFDM formula are minimal — buzzsaw guitars and techno beats remain, but there’s no Brute cover art and no self-referential sloganeering/name-checking, which the band seemed to be getting tired of in its final years. Fans will enjoy strong tracks like “Rabble Rouser” and “Witch Hunt,” while casual observers probably won’t realize this is a “new” band. Hey, at least they didn’t change their name to a symbol.

